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Dry needling is a technique performed by licensed professionals using a sterile, monofilament needle inserted into taut muscle bands. Unlike medication-based injections, dry needling focuses on addressing muscular pain, improving range of motion, and enhancing muscular activity without the use of medication. Dry needling offers a unique perspective separate from acupuncture. While both practices employ similar needles, their methodologies and treatment goals differ. Dry needling focuses on addressing muscular pain, range of motion deficits, and poor muscular activity.

Dry Needling


First, an area of dysfunction is identified through a thorough physical examination. After proper sterilization, a sterile needle is inserted into the targeted muscle to the necessary depth. This may elicit a twitch response, indicating a positive reaction from the muscle. The sensation is often described as a deep ache, not necessarily painful but not entirely comfortable. Depending on the specific treatment, the needles may be removed immediately or left in for a period of time. Clients may experience soreness and achiness for 24-48 hours, but they typically notice improvements in range of motion and pain reduction shortly after the session.

Dry Needling


While the exact physiological mechanism is still under study, dry needling is believed to influence the electrical activity within muscles. By inserting a conductive metal needle into the muscle, it can encourage the restoration of normal resting tone. This process affects the electrical signals sent between the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and muscles, helping to address altered muscle tone caused by factors such as pain, injury, misuse, dehydration, or illness.

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